Is this a moment I'll look back on with nostalgia?
Feb 14, 2021
So much has changed in 18 months.
When I'm feeling nostalgic, I sometimes think back to the summer & autumn of 2019. Back then, my team had an office. We'd chat and occassionally have drinks and play games after work. Some of my favourite memories were formed with friends and colleagues in the office or after work.
Looking back with nostalgia is a bit of selective amnesia, perhaps: choosing to remember only the good parts helps sell a narrative that life was better. Maybe it was better, but not in the way that the memories tell it. Those times were still filled with the same doubts and stressors and exhaustion.
And yet, I look back on those times fondly and long for more of those memorable moments. Is this a moment I'll look back on with nostalgia? I hope so.